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Amazon/Interview Preparation

Interviewing for Amazon? Read these 10 Amazon interview questions before you go

Amazon Interview Questions and Answers

Want to work for Amazon? Go in prepared for these types of interview questions:

1. Do you know our CEO? How do you pronounce his name?
2. How would you solve problems if you were from Mars?
3. Tell the story of the last time you had to apologize to someone.
4. What is the most difficult situation you have ever faced in your life? How did you handle it?
5. Walk me through how Amazon Kindle books would be priced.
6. Who was your most difficult customer?
7. What would you do if you found out that your closest friend at work was stealing?
8. If your direct manager was instructing you to do something you disagreed with, how would you handle it?
9. What would you do if you saw someone being unsafe at work?
10. Do you think you'll reach a point where you storm off the floor and never return?

There are 3 questions which the hiring managers asks while conducting Amazon Interview Question and Answers sessions before selecting a new hire:

• Will you admire this person?
• Will this person raise the level of effectiveness?
• Along what dimension might this person be a superstar?

Amazon founder and CEO Jezz Bezos believes that the answer to these three questions helps hiring managers zero in on new talent that meets the company's exacting standards, which in turn will improve the overall talent pool in the long run. Bezos himself has been very hands-on with the Amazon hiring process, personally interviewing every single employee throughout Amazon's early years, according to Wired magazine.

So if you're headed into an Amazon Q and A session, know that any questions your recruiter asks are an attempt to determine how you fare on these three counts. Here are 10 questions you may be asked:

Do you know our CEO? How do you pronounce his name? Tip: It is “Bay-zohs,” not “Bee-zos”.

How would you solve problems if you were from Mars? The interviewer wants to see if you can think out-of-the-box. Consider sharing a

personal anecdote that shows how you came up with a creative solution to a customer problem, improved an internal process or made a sale via an innovative strategy.

Tell the story of the last time you had to apologize to someone. Can you admit to mistakes? Are you a team player? That’s what the recruiter wants to know. Most of us have made several mistakes, but pick one where you apologised and managed to right the wrong successfully, and let that be the focus of your story. NEVER say you have not had to apologise - it makes you appear highhanded.

What is the most difficult situation you have ever faced in your life? How did you handle it? Stick to a professional anecdote - don't share a personal story - and find one that has a happy end. Be positive; it tells your interviewer that you are resilient and willing to work around a problem. Seeing a project through on a tight budget, getting a project back on track when a deadline is missed, handling a difficult client, etc are some situations you can talk about.

Walk me through how Amazon Kindle books would be priced. Read up on how the royalty system works. Our recommendation is - Amazon pays out a royalty of 70% on all Kindle titles priced between $2.99 to $9.99. For eBooks priced below $2.99 and above $9.99, Amazon pays out only 35%. For writers who want to generate leads via their online books, say for seminars, it makes sense to price the title below $2.99; specialised titles will sell over $9.99. All other categories should stick to the 70% royalty.

Who was your most difficult customer? Share an anecdote where you managed to solve the problem. Emphasise how you stayed calm and diffused the situation.

What would you do if you found out that your closest friend at work was stealing? Your loyalty - to the company and your friend - is being questioned. Say you'll consider the nature of the offence before deciding how to proceed.

If your direct manager was instructing you to do something you disagreed with, how would you handle it? Do you think you'll reach a point where you storm off the floor and never return? Your interviewer wants to know how you handle disagreement and how good your negotiation skills are. Convey that you aren't averse to speaking up, that you believe in communicating till you find a solution and that you can be flexible.

What would you do if you saw someone being unsafe at work? Tell the interviewer that you have a duty of care to yourself and your work colleagues. Under these circumstances, you will let the person know that the way they are working can lead to an accident. If you know a safer way to do the job, you will suggest it. Otherwise you will contact your supervisor.

Do you think you'll reach a point where you storm off the floor and never return? Make it clear you are able to keep your temper in check. Share how you would deal with a situation where have been provoked. Be sure to emphasise that you're not indifferent, just calm.