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Amazon/Interview Preparation

Amazon principle (reference : https://www.linkedin.com/in/kisangpak/) Amazon 본사 면접후기: 리더십에 관한 질문들은 어떻게 대답을 해야하나?아마존의 개발자 면접과정은 다른 대기업 테크회사들과 마찬가지로 리크루터와 간단하게 전화통화후 기술전화면접으로 시작하였다. 그동안 접했던 기술전화면접들에 비해 코딩문제가 조금 어려운 편이었으나 그래도 주어진 시간내에 면접관의 힌트와 함께 문제를 끝마칠수 있었다. 그후 몇주 뒤 (2017년 8월) 시애틀로 최종면접을 가게 되었다.아마존 최종면접의 특징은 개발자면접이라고 해도 아마존이 직원들에게 늘 강조하는 Leadership Principles 에 대해 모든 면접관들이 질문을 하는 것으로 유명하다. Attitude, Behavior 등에 관한 질문들인데 예를들어 (다음의 질문들이 꼭 아마존에서 물어본 질문들은 아니고 일반적으로) -“.. 더보기
100 top job interview questions—be prepared for the interview Basic interview questions:Tell me about yourself.What are your strengths?What are your weaknesses?Why do you want this job?Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?What's your ideal company?What attracted you to this company?Why should we hire you?What did you like least about your last job?When were you most satisfied in your job?What can you do for us that other candidates.. 더보기
Here is how you can ace these Amazon technical interview questions and answers When it comes to tech, no one’s doing it better than the world’s top internet retailer by revenue: Amazon. Founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, a former hedge fund manager, Amazon is now – apart from being a retailer of household goods - an entertainment company, a publisher, the creator of a home assistant and a newly minted grocer. But first and foremost, it’s a company that relies on technology. Be.. 더보기
Must Read: Amazon interview questions for software engineers answered! You may be an engineer with a genius for software, but that may not be enough to help you join the Amazon ranks. For the retail giant’s interview questions for a software engineer span the gamut – taking into account your technical skills for sure, but also looking at other facets of your personality. Sobit Akhmedov, a software engineer who was recently contacted by a technical recruiter from Am.. 더보기
Improve your performance: Tips to answer Amazon behavioural interview questions Amazon behavioural interview questions You may think you know it all- and perhaps you do- but just knowledge and skill set won’t help you land that coveted job at Amazon. Like most American companies, the retail biggie relies on behavioural interview questions to find the candidate who’s the perfect fit for the company and the job. But what are behavioural interview questions? On her blog, Pamela Skillings, co-founder of Big Intervie.. 더보기
Top Amazon interview tips will help you land the job of your dreams Founded in July 1994 by Jeff Bezos, Amazon is today the largest Internet retailer in the world - by revenue and market cap. The American retail behemoth recently invested $5 billion in India, in addition to the $260 million earlier this year. The latest investment makes it clear that Amazon is betting big on the India story. No wonder that landing a job at Amazon is a dream for many freshers as .. 더보기
Dial in: How to master Amazon phone interview questions Headquartered in Seattle, retail behemoth Amazon has offices and distribution centers in 32 countries around the world. The more than 150,000 global employees call themselves “Amazonians”, and more and more youngsters are keen to join this elite group when they pass out of college. But getting a job with the Internet retailer isn’t easy- the hiring process typically takes between one and three w.. 더보기
Interviewing for Amazon? Read these 10 Amazon interview questions before you go Want to work for Amazon? Go in prepared for these types of interview questions: 1. Do you know our CEO? How do you pronounce his name? 2. How would you solve problems if you were from Mars? 3. Tell the story of the last time you had to apologize to someone. 4. What is the most difficult situation you have ever faced in your life? How did you handle it? 5. Walk me through how Amazon Kindle books .. 더보기