Microsoft’s most asked interview questions #part1
1) Check if a Binary Tree is BST or not – Practice here
2) Remove duplicates from a string, do it in-place – Practice here
3) Given a rotated array which is sorted search for an element in it – Practice here
4) Given two linked lists that represent two big numbers (numbers that can not be stored in an int or long long int), write a function that adds the numbers and store the result in a third list.
Variations of above question like subtract two numbers or multiply two numbers represented by linked lists. – Practice here
5) Print last 10 lines of a big file or big string.
6) Clone a linked list with next and arbitrary (or random) pointer
7) Connect nodes at same level. Practice here.
8) Least common ancestor of a binary tree or a binary search tree
9) Test case questions like test an ATM.
10) Run length encoding. – Practice here
11) Detect cycle in a linked list. Practice here.
12) Given a sorted array of size n. Each element in array is unique and lies from 1 to n+1. Find the missing element. Write code and test cases for the same. – Practice here
13) Check if a binary tree is balanced.
14) Validate a given IP address
15) Why do you want to join Microsoft?
16) Two of the nodes of a BST are swapped. Correct the BST
17) Draw a circle without floating point arithmetic